Wednesday 11 September 2013

Mrs Abrahamson's Camera Shots homework

I think that this shot has been taken as a close up to show the expression on 'Georgia's' face as this shot would not be as affective if it was further away as the viewer may misunderstand her 'loved-up' stare as a glare. This would then change the meaning of the scene as it would show the wrong expression. 


This shot was taken as an extreme close up to make the viewer know that the man is definitely angry. The zoomed-in shot of his eyes show him glaring at his aponent. This shot will definitely emphasise this mans expression and will create tension in the room because of the hardness of his glare. 

This scene in 'Friends' was shot using a medium shot. This makes the scene more important as they're talking about Monica's weight, the use of medium shot will show the difference between her weight now and her weight then, therefore making the joke funnier. This shot also allows more than one character be in the shit, which means that less shots need to be used to show a conversation. 


A long shot camera angle has been used in this shot to show the vast amount of people. This makes the viewer realise how many people there are there. It gives perspective within the film. If the camera showed the people individually or in groups it would not be as effective. I also allows the viewer to see the setting behind them. 


This scene in Spider-Man has used a low angle shot. This is to emphasise to the viewers that 'Spiderman' is above them. This is a way of showing that he is on the wall without having to use special effects, but it as effective. 


As this scene is a conversation between two people, the best way to show this is with an Over the shoulder shot. This will show the back of one person and the front of another. This is mostly used in TV dramas as it also shows a little reaction from the person with the back to the camera, they can show a reaction with their arms of if they move in any way. 

Using this as a point of view shot shows the emotion in the girls face. This is very effective as you can see the desperation and pleading from her for the man not to shoot her or the little boy. The viewer would not be able to see this if a long shot or a medium shot was used for this scene and they would see the side of her face and not the emotion she holds. 

1 comment:

  1. A good variety of shots as examples, showing clear understanding of why they are used; well done.
