Tuesday 12 November 2013

Essay on gender

"How is gender represented in 'doctor who'?" (Martha clip)  Martha, master, women in red dress & doctor
Within TV dramas, females are normally portrayed as the weaker sex. This clip challenges that statement as Martha is the hero within this. She defeats the Master, who is meant to be the stronger sex, but is still under command  by the Doctor.
This is proven within the first scene in this clip, where Martha walks in. This could be perceived as being the male gaze, as she is walking in and everyone looks at her, this is backed up by the fact that she is wearing a tight, black costume, and she is quite an attractive girl. Martha has a worried look on her face that could be interpreted as her being vulnerable because of her facial expression. This is then challenged by the fact that when Martha throws back her teleportion device, she throws it with passion, in an angry manner, even though the Master is above her. 
The wide shot that is showing that Master above everyone is significant because is shows the power that he has over Martha, it shows his male dominance. This is expanded by the Master commanding Martha to kneel before him. Making her obey his command shows who has the power to the viewers. The significant of the kneel is it shows Martha in a vulnerable pose, as she is lower than everyone else. Also, the kneeling pose is a sign of forgiveness, and even though Martha is not that bad guy and was forced to kneel down, it is still signifying her apology. This can be seen as the male gaze as men seem to 'get a kick' out of women on their knees, begging for their mercy as it can be seen as quite a sexual pose for a woman to have towards a man. 
I could also interpret the male gaze into the woman who stands behind the master throughout the clip, this woman is nameless as she has no main role in the clip. She stands there throughout the clip and doesn't say much, she is there for the male gaze only. The costume and posture of the woman is important as she is wearing a tight, revealing red dress and is standing in a very sexually womanly pose throughout the clip. This shows women in a bad way as they are shown as objects, something to be looked at, this is proven by the lack of dialogue from the sexy woman. 
Another way this can be looked at is the fact that the only dialogue by this woman in the red dress is her disobeying her master. She is obviously on the side of the master at the beginning of the clip as she is up on the podium with him and is standing behind him, supporting him, this is then changed as she is shown saying "", which in fact, makes the master have less powers and restores the powers of the doctor. This shows women as being disrespectful and not loyal because she so easily goes against the master. 
Martha is the complete opposite of the "normal" female character in TV dramas, she is independent and strong willed. Although Martha obeys all of the Masters commands, making the audience think she is vulnerable, she turns it round into the Master towards the end. Showing the power has changed to Martha, a woman. Being in control of a man. Although this shows women in a good light, that they cannot be controlled and are independant, it can still be classed as the male gaze. This is because many men are attracted to high power, independant women as this is what Martha is. However, she is still under the control of the Doctor, who she sets free. 
In conclusion, I believe that gender is shown in both lights within this clip. Woman are shown as weak and vulnerable but also as strong and independant. I do not think it is possible to stereotype women as being the weaker sex within tv dramas as they are not in many cases. 


1 comment:

  1. WWW- some great, perceptive comments about the male gaze

    - you have picked out some relevant camera shots to support your points
    EBI - you need to look at all four key areas; camera, editing, miss-en-scene and sound more fully to gain the best marks

